Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Girl Power

Yesterday we ran a Social Media class with the girls City Mission Educational Services. We had not had a class with them for a while now. In yesterday’s session we did a recap on Gmail with them. These girls have a long way to go and much more to learn.

I remember when was first exposed to a computer about 2 years ago and did not know anything. It was a very overwhelming feeling and did not know if I was going to be able to finish the course. Well if I see where I find myself today I know teaching these girls is not impossible.

I am looking forward to the next session with them. We will be taking them to the next phase which will be Facebook. Soon they will be bloggers and setting the World Wide Web alight. Watch this space.

We have to impart in them what we have learned. If someone did not take the time out to teach us we would not be where we are now.

87th Birthday Celebration At The Impact Centre

Here are some pics of 87th birthday bash:

Yesterday there was lots of laughter all around here at the Impact Centre. And there was a good reason for this. One of ladies from our Monday senior group was celebrating her 87th birthday. Her name is Mrs Murtz and I know her from a very young age. I so happen to be friends with her grandson.

She has not changed one bit and is still the sweet lady I have known her to be from that time. She is the most humorous old lady I know and so full of life. Most people get grumpy when they age, but not this lady. One can really see God’s grace upon her life when you see how energetic and full of life she still is.

It is because of these seniors in our community praying for us that most of the guys here at the Centre are here today. They have seen us grow up, and they have witnessed our destruction. So all they could was pray for us and as I now know, God answers prayers. I honour these seniors and my prayer is that God continue too strengthen them, provide for them and bless them more than they could ever expect.